View single post by noomg
 Posted: 12-19-2019 03:48 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463
It's amazing that a car with such a short production run and produced it such small numbers would have so many different wiring harnesses. Frank, I don't know why you need a W/D, weather you're replacing the W/H or just going back to redo a PO's "fixes" but I think the most important thing to have is the list of colors of the wires themselves(usually on the W/D itself). The good news is the colors from W/D to W/D seem to be mostly the same. Just based on my experience I'd be surprised if you found one W/D that fit your car exactly. So that being said I don't think you can have to many W/Ds.