View single post by redracer
 Posted: 12-19-2019 02:55 am
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
The wiring diagrams from John Kimball are for the '73/early'74, and not for the later cars, as noomg has found out.
Just last month, I was asked for a GT harness; I found that for the USA version alone, there were 3 different types(maybe more??); one I still have which must have been one of the earliest GT ones with the J-H fuse box; the GT I purchased from the late Joe Mazurk has the dual 4 fuse boxes as seen in some diagrams; and my friend, Craig Wolfe, has the more common single 11 fuse box with some separate sections.
The earliest '73 harness' did NOT have the logic box we are familiar with(but they do have the unfused white wire going to the fuel pump). I don't know when they started fusing the fuel pump(#2/middle fuse) which is a green wire. Also, the earlier cars did NOT have the hardtop option which has the polarized plug and white wired fuse near the fuel pump.
The UK diagram(very pricey) may be for right han =d drive cars, so I would avoid them(unless they can specifically tell you they have them for the USA/left hand drive). The Europeans also had a rear light "DIMMER" relay(shown on the "googled" images) which are non applicable here(I have a whole box of them from one of my early '90s buy-outs--useless to me).
I know there are at least 4 versions for the UA J-H(again, maybe more??), but fortunately, having owned 26 of these, I can look at them to help with whatever.
Maybe it's best for whomever to "redo" whatever they have(e.g. relays for the headlights, a main source of amperage and heat in the ignition contacts)
good luch, bruce