View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 11-16-2019 05:36 am
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
I agree with Frank. This sort of thing has happened to me several times over the years. It could be the switch, but before messing with it, check all the connections for cleanliness and a tight fit. The connection to the starter solenoid itself is a prime candidate.

If that does not help, then the ignition switch is most likely the problem. It does get dirty and corroded inside and cleaning up the contacts with fine sandpaper (like around 800 grit) or steel wool. I replaced my switch with an electronic switch many years ago, but I remember that the way to take the original switch apart was not at all obvious. I will look to see if I can find my old one and try to remember how it was done. As I recall, it was also not obvious how it all went back together so, if you are going to take it apart, be sure to have a camera handy to get pics of how the various parts went together. Also be careful not to lose the ball bearing(s) inside: they seem to like to disappear underneath any available object.