View single post by redracer
 Posted: 08-19-2019 09:38 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Yes, that's correct. Just use the old harness to put the pins in the correct position. The stalk may also be shorter, and unless you're willing to totally take it apart and use the longer original one, I'd stick with that.
One problem I had about 10 years ago was that someone was putting larger male pins into the connector, so they would not fit the original female side. I talked to the distributor(Victoria British?, Roadster Factory?, Moos?) about this problem and was able to return them and ake sure they had proper ones to fit(Midgets & MGBs were affected as well).
I believe they have gotten this problem sorted out now, but make sure the male pins will fit before you start changing parts.
btw, I use a very small flat screwdriver(jeweler size) to push the tabs in to remove them from the quick connect.
hope this helps, bruce