View single post by redracer
 Posted: 08-19-2019 03:57 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Assuming that's the correct years(and I would need to check again) you will still need to "open" it up to change the rotating collar as Frank said; however, unless you have a spare to look at, little springs and pieces that stick to the metal cover plate(you'll need to swap in your wiper switch) can be troublesome.
I used to rebuild them(100s++) but now the black plastic itself has become too old/brittle to take the pins, etc. so I buy the "new" MGB/Midget ones and redo them to the J-H specs.
Mike D'Olimpio at DELTA has them done as well, so if you're not too sure about this "project" give one of us a call.
btw, you also will need to grind down the black plastic tab on the inner surface that gets clamped to our aluminum steering column; the Midgets had a slot for this piece so it would not rotate when placing pressure on either stalk.
good luck, bruce