View single post by redracer
 Posted: 07-31-2019 02:13 am
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Sounds like the cars idles okay, but upon driving you are using the differential and transmission. I would check the fluid and fluid level in both(especially the diff) and maybe even jack up the rear wheels in your car, put it in gear and 'simulate" driving.
If no fluid or incorrect fluid, the gears could be heating up, expanding, and then seizing.
Also, your water temp is WAY TOO HIGH. Depending on which dual stage thermostat your installed, the max should be either 165 or 180.
When you warmed up the engine with the radiator cap off, did you see water rushing in from the top left?(rev the engine up a little to be sure of flow).
Be careful of the water temp as you may verl=y likely ruin the engine at that 268 degree temp.