View single post by redracer
 Posted: 07-11-2019 03:09 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
You're okay for now, but usually at idle(after the engine has warmed up) the pressure would ideally be 20-25psi. Lower than this indicates slightly worn beqrings.
The pressure relief valve was set for 55psi, which for a 7000rpm engine is too low(about 10 psi for each 100rpm). We shim the relief valve up to 6mm.
Here's what I published back in December(use the "SEARCH" box for more info):

Almost forgot; while you're at it, shim the pressure relief valve.
Knock out the split pin into the distributor shaft hole, and add just under 6mm to the spring(the washers that the cam cover bolts used are a perfect size--maybe 3 washers will do it)