View single post by Esprit2
 Posted: 07-05-2019 07:49 pm
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
Early Lotus Turbo Esprits used an external, inline thermostat. If that were used as the one-way valve, it would be closed on cold starts when the electric pump would be used, and open when hot. Just a thought.

Oil thermostats were deleted from later Turbo Esprits. The thinking was that the gain due to having a thermostat was offset by the flow restriction it added.

I suppose something similar might be said for a one-way valve.

Tim Engel

Attachment: 910 - 46.03A - Oil Cooler Plumbing - Notes, 86kb.jpg (Downloaded 123 times)