View single post by redracer
 Posted: 06-27-2019 03:08 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Tom: whikle you're doing all this mechanical repair the MAIN problem is keeping the "tin worm" from doing a number on the panels.
POR15, KBS, Mastercoat, all make excellent products to prevent rust. The floor pans, inside the fenders(the coverplate behnd the front wheels and the ones in front of the rear wheels; 5 #2 crosspoint screws for each), and shooting inside both rockers.
I CAN"T overemphasize this as the car, being a monocoque and not a frame car(like Austin Healeys, etc) will be difficult to repair(unless you're a "BONDO" nut), so please jump on this while getting the easier mechanicals fixed.
bruce, Red Racer