View single post by cjwilson
 Posted: 05-21-2019 02:06 am
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Joined: 04-23-2006
Location: San Antonio, Texas USA
Posts: 50
Hey Brett,

Thanks for answering. Yes fuel pressure is higher than I expected. Pump is newly purchased and installed. I purchased at a local "box" auto parts store and it was labeled as 3-4psi. I'll see about putting a regulator in line.

I think compression was registering lower than actual. Battery was a bit low while I was cranking. Carbs weren't open but I'm not too concerned with compression. I was just checking to see if I lost a cylinder...


And I found the problem. She's running great once again. It was indeed a loose wire in the 5 way connection mounted on the firewall. It was the white wire which supplies power to the coil from the key. It was still inside the connector but had backed out far enough to not make a connection.
