View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 05-19-2019 06:03 pm
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
I think you are on the right track in suspecting a fuel problem. My guess is that the fuel inlets to the carbs are either getting clogged or stuck open so the engine is either getting fuel starved or flooded after the first second or so. Since you have run gas through the fuel line, it should be clean at this point, so you may only have to clean out the carbs. On the other hand, after such a long storage time, it would probably be best to buy the carb rebuilding kits and replace all the rubber bits to ensure decent reliability.

If you have Strombergs you can remove the top from one and check how the big flexible rubber piece looks. If that is OK, then the rest of the rubber parts may also be OK. Replacing the inlet needle valves I think would still be a good idea, though, since they tend to get sticky and unreliable after sitting for a long time.

Last edited on 05-19-2019 06:08 pm by Tom Bradley