View single post by redracer
 Posted: 03-27-2019 05:48 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
As for replacing the outer window seal:
the original(7 of them) clips work fine, by slightly widening the gap(use a steel chisel for that) and making a holder to pull them up onto the rubber and steel frame. A little silicone grease helps.
However, one must press down hard on the top of the seal(use wood or some non paint marring item) at the point where the clip is going. If you do not, the seal will just push up and not be firmly flexed along the paint surface(and leak).
I imagine the factory had a special tool such as one picture framers used for inserting small nails. If I were doing this all the time, I would have made a better tool than the one I currently use