View single post by noomg
 Posted: 03-14-2019 05:19 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

I have been following your tale of woe. What I heard was your car was running good then suddenly it wasn't, it sounds like a single part failed(obviously)the hard part is finding which part that is. When it happens that fast it's unlikely two or three parts failed simultaneously.

As far as your trip to a mechanic goes, what kind of reputation does this British repair shop have? Did this shop come with a recommendation? I did a valve adjustment several years ago and I could see it being expensive to have done, it's VERY labor intensive, however $2700 seems excessive. While all the work done sounds like good stuff to do it doesn't sound like stuff that would fix the problem. It sounds like a bit of a shotgun approach and now it sounds like he wants to reload the shotgun(with your money)and take another shot at the target.

This is important, did you tell him specifically to replace all this stuff or did you tell him to fix the problem. If you told him to fix the problem, for $2700 it should be fixed. If this guy is reputable he should stand by his work and fix the problem to your satisfaction and not be asking for another $1000 to try something else.