View single post by noomg
 Posted: 01-05-2019 07:03 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463
After completing bodywork and paint and getting everything reassembled and buttoned up I fired it up and the gas gauge showed about 1/4 tank, after fill up it still showed a 1/4 tank. The gas gauge worked before the repaint project so I figured it was the sending unit, I was right.

The hardest part was to get the gas level below the sending unit(but that's another story). When I pulled the sending unit I found the float was about 2/3 full of gas. The mystery was I could find no holes or cracks in the float. I even set it out in the sun hoping the heated gas would expand and reveal any micro leaks, no joy.

I finally just drilled a small hole to drain the gas and sealed the hole, problem fixed. I still haven't figured out how the gas got in there in the first place. I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this.