View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 11-10-2018 09:08 pm
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
Hi Brett,

Joe Curto ( and Apple Hydraulics ( both rebuild Strombergs.

I recently had my extra pair rebuilt by Joe Curto. They came back looking like new, but the mounting between the carbs and the mounting plates was misaligned causing the throttle to get stuck at 3000RPM. It took me quite a while to figure out the problem. Calling Joe was not all that helpful. It also took them about 10 months to get around to doing them.

Many years ago I also had a pair rebuilt by Apple. They came back looking about the same as when they went out, but worked perfectly. Also the turn-around was a matter of a couple of weeks.

A rebuild kit is good if the carbs are in good shape, but if you also want to get the jets and bushings replaced a professional rebuild might be better. Also note that the Haynes manual has a typo in the inch measurement of the float height. Better to use the metric measurements.

Caution: if you might be buying gas in an area where there might be alcohol added, then make sure you get Nitrophyl floats. Apparently the alcohol eats away the regular floats over time.
