View single post by noomg
 Posted: 10-04-2018 11:20 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

On every sportscar message board I've been on I've seen this, someone looking for a car they had previously owned. I have yet to see a post of someone who has found that car. Maybe you'll be the first.

If I were looking for 13921, first I'd forget the DMV they won't give out any information on POs. If you have a friend who's with the PD they could run it and find the current owner, it's kind of a no-no but if you keep it on the QT there shouldn't be a problem. Short of that, go to Michael's house knock on the door and talk to him face to face. He either has the car or he's got a bill of sale with the next owner's info on it. If it's a bill of sale, repeat until you find it or exhaust your leads. Think of it as a noble quest.

Or, you can just find a Jensen-Healey that looks like yours.