View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 10-02-2018 05:07 am
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
If you are sure that the assembly is correct, that you have a good 12V power to the tach and have tried reversing the signal polarity, then the most likely problem is that the calibration signal is not large enough. Have you tried listening to it on the speakers or headphones? The signal should be extremely loud for it to work. Some laptops or tablets might not have enough signal strength. When I calibrated mine I used the speaker system a desktop computer which still needed to be turned most of the way up. Does your DMM have an ACV measurement? When the signal is hooked up to the tach the signal voltage should be close to 12VAC peak-to-peak or something like 9V RMS.

Another possible approach is to wire the tach into the car 12V and ground and to the coil. It should at least respond, if not accurately. If you have an accurate tach on your engine analyzer you can use that to calibrate the spiyda. Or hook it back to the computer and figure out what is wrong there.

Last edited on 10-02-2018 05:35 am by Tom Bradley