View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 09-30-2018 11:28 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
Being retired and then not is why I ended up going the "throw money at it" route. I retired mid 2014 just as I was starting on this project. I did a bunch of suspension and cosmetic work thinking the engine was OK. It's a long sad story but I started finding some serious mechanical issues that the previous owner had clearly gone to pains to hide. After the third potentially fatal discovery (as in possibly fatal to me) I decided it all had to come apart. About that time my old company talked me into coming back for two years. It seemed like free money at the time, and since it looked like I now had more money than time, I went the route of having other people do the car. If I could do it over I would have stayed retired and done the work myself.

Anyway - if you are looking for a good speedometer shop - Gail's Speedometer in Costa Mesa is reliable and fair.

I have never calibrated a tach, but once I do the RVC conversion I will need to. There are instructions on site. A cable came with the kit that you can borrow if you need it. It's really just a stereo headphone jack connected to two alligator clips to input a signal.