View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 09-26-2018 11:47 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
While waiting for the distributor and tach conversion, as I said I am going through with relooking at some of the basics. Rebalanced the carbs and tried it from a different direction. Adjusted all of the idle mixture screws to the same turns (ended up at 4 turns) after very small adjustments to the air bleed screws on 1 and 4 to give equal CarbTune readings. Getting to 4 turns was what it took to get an 02/fuel ratio average of just under 14:1. The reading is bouncing around much more than I remember in the past though. Not sure if that means something wrong with the meter. At 3000rpm average is about 12.7 also with a lot of variation, somewhat less. For those with O2 meters are your readings reasonably steady?

Did a compression test, with engine warm.

1- 200
2- 208
3- 184
4- 200

That's a little disturbing. This engine still has very few miles and I did a test when new and they were closer then.

The plug condition seems to indicate that cylinders 1 and 2 have been running rich and 3 and 4 lean. I'll check again to see if these latest adjustments even that out.