View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 09-19-2018 11:45 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
Here is the response I got from Pertronics about the oil leak. My main question was whether or not their Dist was designed for horizontal placements. Obviously there is oil pressure against the shaft / bushing.


Oil in the mechanical advance area will would not be a issue. Most of the time oil around the ignitor and it's parts will not cause a problem. In less the oil has start to effect the grounding of the unit through the internal ground wire and plate attachment to distributor housing.

Oil in the distributor could be a bushing issue in the distributor. Or could be because of crankcase pressure causing the oil to push pass the bushing.

If you would like you can send the distributor into for inspection. I can send you a return number if you like to send in for us to inspect.
Your Pertronix Team,
Marvin Grebow Jr.

I have been playing with the car a little today. One strange new thing is that when I turn the key the starter does not immediately turn, but if I hold the key in the start position it will start after 1-2 seconds. I don't remember it doing this before. I verified with my meter that there is that delay before the starter solenoid sees the voltage. With my ohm meter I verified that connection at the ignition switch seems to be instantaneous. Odd, but I am ignoring for now. BTW - I just recently finished installing new wiring harnesses (all three - main, engine, instrument) and went through and checked the relevant connections and added dielectric connector grease.

I learned something new. I went back to basics and attached my Carbtune Pro and fiddled with the idle mixture screws. The Carb Tune readout has not been very sensitive to the screw adjustments. Don't know if that is a sign of an issue. But I started adjusting them by 1/2 turns and happened to look at the O2 meter. This was very sensitive to adjustment. I had been seeing O2 at idle of 11:1. About a 1/2 turn of the screws brought it to about 13:1. That adjustments to the screws would affect O2 ratio should have been obvious - just didn't think of it.

I was adjusting the timing as it seems to hate 10 degrees and below, and I was adjusting to get 12 - 13. The engine very hot at this point and I managed to let the distributor slip out of the mount. Will probably be a couple of days before I get back to it.

Thanks for all of the suggestions and I will work through everything when I can.