View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 09-19-2018 12:58 am
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149

Thanks for the suggestions. I will work through all of those and let you know. As far as Dellorto set up, I've fiddled with them quite a bit and taken to two local "experts" - three if you count the dyno tuner I paid over $10K for rebuild and set up (not including parts). I am not completely happy with the Dellortos. I have balanced as well as I could, but my 02 meter is saying that my ratio is about 10.5 - 11.0 : 1 at idle which seems too rich, with the leanest progression tube 7850.8 and 55 idle jets. But if I change to 50 idle jets it won't run.

I have also asked Pertronics about horizontal mounting of the distributor supplied by Delta Motorsports.


I have been wanting to come to a meeting for a long time - afraid to drive this JH further than I can push it at the moment though. Almost talked myself into coming tonight, but the headlight switch chose today to fall apart permanently. It had been held together literally by threads. Ordered a new one today. I will shoot for next month.

I'll test the brake servo idea. I don't think so because I just had that rebuilt, but you never know.