View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 09-16-2018 07:12 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
I am having some issues and was wondering if anybody could shed some light.

This is a "new" 2.2 build with dellortos, Pertronix Flamethrower distributor and Flamethrower coil. "New" being relative because I've been trying to sort out issues for 4 years now.

Anyway - the engine has a slight backfire that I have been assuming was a tuning issue, but now I'm not so sure. When I watch the original tachometer, I have long noticed that there is a slight occasional dip or "blip". As I watch and listen, I am becoming convinced that the mis-fire and little dips in the tach are related. Not exact, because you tend to hear the mis-fire a moment after the tach signal.

In addition, i have an Innovate LM2 02 sensor. If I only hook up the O2 sensor, it works fine, but when I hook up the RPM signal (from the coil) the O2 reading freezes after a short time. I was assuming there was something wrong with the LM2, but am now wondering if the three symptoms are related. Maybe a bad signal from the Pertronix is causing the mis-fire, erratic tach reading and messing up the LM2 computer.

Has anybody experienced anything like this? Any suggestions appreciated.

The brand new Pertronix distributor is also leaking a little oil into the cap. I saw a thread on this a recommendations to get the McMaster-Carr 9505K17 oil seal. Does anybony know if these fit the Pertronics distributor as well as the original? I assume so since the shaft is the same diameter, but not sure about the actual groove for the seal.

