View single post by redracer
 Posted: 08-20-2018 03:09 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Here's a warning for J-H owners:
recently, we put one of the CHAMPION aluminum radiators on a "75 J-H.
The radiator has an excellent reputation(can no longer get the 4 row ones) and a very good price compared to the staggered copper 3 row ones. Being a '75, the long thin fan blade remained on it with about 3/4' of space at the bottom of the radiator-to-fan blades. Everything was fine for about a week when I was informed that the fan blades had torn open a few tubes at the bottom of the radiator!. Apparently, at very high RPMs the thin blades flexed enough forward to hit the bottom of the radiator!.
A new one was ordered and we retrofitted a yellow fan, which is smaller and has thicker blades(the pollution stuff had been removed long ago).