View single post by chrisl
 Posted: 06-16-2018 01:35 pm
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Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114
We were lucky enough to be able to spend a few days at the Jensen East Coast meet in Black Mountain, North Carolina recently. People came from all over the US.

It was great to put names to faces; for my sins I am a member of the JOC (UK) and the Jensen-Healey Preservation Society.There were about 100+ attendees, with a largish contingent from the UK as well. There were well over 50 cars there too, the greatest number of Jensens I have ever seen in a single place.

Almost all models were represented including a couple of 541s, CV8s, lots of Interceptors (with three really nice convertibles) and heaps of Jensen-Healeys.

The event was admirably managed by Don and Kathy Pritchard. Hats off to them, everything went well, a thoroughly well organised series of events and time to yourself made the whole event a great success. There were poker runs, winding roads to test 45 y.o cars engines and handling, a couple of minor breakdowns, BBQs and more.

We donated a bag of roo poo to a charity silent auction held (actually choccies the size and shape of kangaroo dung but with what I hope a much better taste) as part of the proceedings.

One of the final events was a car show in the centre of town, attended by thousands.

Afterwards as we were sans a Jensen, we rented a Mustang convertible and drove up to Washington DC along the Blue Ridge Parkway, spent a few days there and are now in Boston.

It’s been well worth the 27 hour plane flight. They say you only live once but I will need two lives to pay for it all!

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