View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 05-27-2018 05:58 pm
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
Engine oil is a good insulator, so oil on the outside of the distributor should not cause electrical problems. On the inside, however it could keep the spark from jumping the gap between the rotor and the electrical connections on the distributor cap. Either way, finding the source of the oil is a good idea.

Do I understand that you are sending out the distributor to have the Ignitor replaced? Replacing it is actually easier than removing and replacing the distributor. Certainly a do-it-yourself project.

The Ignitor 2 supposedly does not need any ballast resistance in the system. I have put about 5K miles on my car with an Ignitor 2 and no ballast resistor without any problems. Though I left the external resistor in place, but not wired in, just in case. If I were to keep a ballast resistor in the system, I would make it external rather than inside the coil. That way the ballast resistor is bypassed during cranking (assuming the original bypass wiring from the starter is still in place), which gives a hotter spark and faster starting up, especially when cold.