View single post by chrisl
 Posted: 12-11-2017 12:44 pm
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Joined: 09-21-2006
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 114
I have an early J-H and had to replace the rope seal not long ago. Same issues as you re originality...

The first one I got from the club store unfortunately didn't fit; wrong type entirely.

I bought two (the first shop who had the car went bust and lost a few of my parts, including the seal, a long story) from Ross Hockley in Sydney. His email is or you could try ringing on +61 2 9938 1822 but the time difference might be a challenge. Ross is very knowledgeable about J-Hs.

Anyway, it fits perfectly and no oil leaks (from that part of the motor anyway!).

The rope seal is not uncommon for cars of this era; you will also find elsewhere on this forum some great tips to ensure it's properly seated and does as good a job as it can.