View single post by redracer
 Posted: 08-16-2017 08:00 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Don: both the water and fuel gauge run off a 9 volt stabilizer attached to the metal gauge plate with a sheet metal screw(above the 2 gauges in the back) This screw acts as the ground connection for the gauges and is notorious for oxidizing causing a full 12 volts to both gauges. The 12 volts will move the gauges 22 1/2 degrees CCW (counter clockwise) giving a false "hot" reading. The 2 little white dots at the bottom of your temp gauge are supposed to be 180 & 185. Removing the sheet metal screw and cleaning both the ground connection as well as the small section where the copper tab protudes onto the casing should help.
Hope this helps, bruce