View single post by timeforwalkies
 Posted: 03-17-2017 10:09 pm
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Joined: 05-24-2006
Posts: 81
I went the full route. I had a bit of rust on the floor so cleaned it up, used POR15 and repainted. Then did the Dyna mat route. Dyna Mat comes with a sticky back. I didn't want to stick it to the floor so peeled the old mat from the backing and cut the Dyna Mat to fit. Came out fantastic and the floor mate and under mat can be removed in case some water happens to get in. Never know when it might rain in California!!!
By the way...if you don't have the old under mats you can use fish pond liner to back the Dyna Mat!

Last edited on 03-17-2017 10:14 pm by timeforwalkies