View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 11-22-2016 11:35 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 147
I have received an LM-2 A/F meter, and am scheduling a local shop top weld in the bung. I will eventually get the info on all current chokes, venturis, and jets, but it may be several weeks - on my way to China for a couple of weeks. I'll update everyone on my progress when I have more info.

In the Des Hammill book he says that for Dellortos the average turns for the idle mixture screws from closed is from 3 to 5. That is incorrect, or too wide then?

Well, the answer to what thermostat is installed would be "none". I ordered a 160 deg to put in and found out when I opened it up. Last time I pay $10K to someone to do work I am capable of doing myself. I'm apparently not able to learn from past mistakes. I am curious to see if this fixes the overheating. A web search found opinions on both sides of the effect of leaving it out.