View single post by subwoofer
 Posted: 11-15-2016 07:26 am
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Joined: 04-01-2008
Location: Sandefjord, Norway
Posts: 617
Off by an order of magnitude if you do the installation yourself. Brand new universal wiring harnesses for the entire car runs in the 150-300$ range, depending on the number of circuits and features you want in it. Not done in a weekend if you decide to rewire the entire car, though.

Replacing only the fuse box shouldn't be anywhere near the indicated cost, but I would absolutely not replace it with a new part of the same design as that design is deeply flawed.

Some DPOs have read that dielectric grease is a good thing, so more dielectric grease would be even better, right? Clean out any gunk from the fuse box, tense up the connecting "fingers" and clean everything with an oxide cleaner and a Q-tip before replacing the fuses - with just a light smear of dielectric grease. That may well keep you on the road and happy for quite some time.
