View single post by qwerty
 Posted: 11-09-2016 09:58 am
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Joined: 10-01-2016
Location: Australia
Posts: 77
Tim would placing a bit of threadlocker (Loctite Medium Strength 243) on the stud into the block be a good idea? I noticed while tensioning mine the stud backed off while going counter clockwise.

EDIT: As per Tim's advice below and after removing the tensioner and understanding how it is held in place, Loctite is definitely not required.

Stud hole depth is approximately 30mm and thread on the stud is 25mm long. The stud threads in and seats on the shoulder of the stud thread, not bottoming out in the hole of the block so it will gradually tighten and not be a solid bottom out.

I threaded mine in until i felt a slight increase in torque and stopped there.

Last edited on 11-13-2016 05:22 am by qwerty