View single post by qwerty
 Posted: 10-06-2016 11:18 am
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Joined: 10-01-2016
Location: Australia
Posts: 77
Hi All,  I'm a new JH owner and learning the ropes, i request your patience.

I'm trying to work out this timing, it was done by my late father. I know my way around an engine but not specifically cam timing, it's a little over my head for the time being.

Would anyone know what the MOP timing of the white marks are? I understand MOP yet it's the why i don't understand. I remember when we first drove it home it was terrible but after a few months it was running very very good!

I'm yet to turn over the enigine, even by hand as it's been sitting for a while so i have some work to do.

Not sure yet how to post two images in sequence yet, i will post another below of his thoughts at the time which may help.

Attachment: WhiteMarks.jpg (Downloaded 203 times)