View single post by redracer
 Posted: 07-31-2016 02:05 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Having taken apart many rusted cars(a huge problem for those of living east of the Mississippi) I've done what many of you have already done, namely use a carbide wheel on a Dremel tool to cut the top of the top of the allen bolt off to remove the seat. The 2 outer bolts have the "captured" 5/16X 24threads/inch which will "spin" in place after rusting. Using a thin carbide wheel on a Dremel to remove this is fairly easy. Installing a new square nut(difficult to obtain in the "fine" threads; had to order 100 at over $1/nut!). Use a jewelers torch to reseal the cut pieces and plenty of grease for the nuts(all 4).
note: the original allen bolts use a 7/32" wrench whereas replacement bolts will have a 1/4" allen wrench!