View single post by atgparker
 Posted: 04-23-2016 03:41 am
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Joined: 06-23-2013
Location: Mission Viejo, California USA
Posts: 90
Yes this is the very unit. I had to make a .375 inch thick spacer to jack the Cube up to get the ball and cup to sit perfectly in the shifter arm. Notice the cut and welded section compared with the one that the gear box came with. I have mounted the shifter housing directly to the gear box and sealed it with 515 Loctite. So no leaky rubber gasket. Wondering about a breather for the heat and slinging of gear oil from the output shaft that goes up into this area of the sifter?

Attachment: WP_20160422_001.jpg (Downloaded 185 times)

Last edited on 04-23-2016 03:47 am by atgparker