View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 03-22-2016 06:04 am
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
Is this the allen key bolt that holds the seat rail to the frame of the car? If so, the nut should be accessible underneath the car. You should then be able to grip the nut with a wrench, socket or vise grip while turning the bolt with the hex key (or vice versa). Check how badly damaged the end of the bolt sticking out below the nut underneath the car is first. You may need lots of WD40 before you try removing this. If the lower end of the bolt is badly damaged enough, like being bent from scraping something, you might need to tighten the nut and cut off the damaged end of the bolt as close to the nut as possible before trying to get it apart. I have had to do this a few times. Very tedious, but it works eventually. Scraped knuckles are a common side effect. If you have to do this, you will probably need a frameless hacksaw: one where the blade slides into the handle.

Last edited on 03-22-2016 06:07 am by Tom Bradley