View single post by Screenplay
 Posted: 11-20-2015 06:39 pm
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Joined: 07-12-2013
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 124
HI David,

I have some pics of my Lockheed brakes as well as a pic of the exploded view from the workshop manual. However, I can't seem to get them to upload here (file too big). If you want to PM me your email I could send them there for certain.

And if anyone else has encountered this issue with attachments, how do you shrink the info of an image to get it to load here? (I've done it before with this same camera with no problem - can't recall what I did) If I can get them to upload here, I will for the benefit of any and all.


Last edited on 11-20-2015 06:40 pm by Screenplay