View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 09-18-2015 02:57 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
I'm not sure but I believe there was a discussion on the differences between the MKII engine and the GT/later 907 engine somewhere on the board.

All the GT engines I have seen her have had air conditioning, air pump and fittings, different subframe, different water pump and radiator. There might be a couple of other minor differences I don't remember right now.

1. Engine block is the same. The difference in mounting has been mentioned. The passenger side engine mount is different because of the air conditioning compressor.
2. Since your car is a 4-speed you will need to use the bell housing for your current JH.
3. Water pump, fan and radiator are different. You need to use your current water pump and fan on the GT engine. Otherwise you need to swap radiators and then you lose the cooling shroud.
4. You can remove the air pump and fittings. Delta has the plugs.

Like Brett mentions, it will fit. You need to take the changed parts of the GT engine off and replace them with your parts. Then reconnect the fittings and electrical and hope it starts and runs. If not just repeat the process in reverse and you can still use the old engine.

Also, depending on the age of your current engine, it's possible that the heads on the GT might have larger ports. Given the choice I would probably leave the current engine in the car and rebuild the GT engine instead.