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 Posted: 04-30-2015 04:52 pm
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Joined: 10-04-2013
Location: Riverside, California USA
Posts: 111
My friend Dan Walters who is helping me with the rebuild of JH Mk 1 - 13046 is asking for some info from those that have performed a successful rebuild to a 2.2 L 10.5:1 engine with a stroker crank. Would appreciate comments that will help. We are at the stage where we are trying to set up cam timing for the best performance for a street worthy car. It will not be raced. See the rebuild story for New Restoration Project 13046

Dan writes the following:

Has anyone played with the cam timing of a modified 907?


-2.2 crank
-flat top pistons 10.5:1
-107, 104 cams
-adjustable cam gears
-ported head
-Dellortos (45 mm)
-4 tube exhaust header

Chuck Lakowski suggests 104 deg cam lobe center lines, both cams. Has anyone tried other numbers?

(optional, I don't want to start a war about the computer dyno...)

The Desktop Dyno 2000 seems to like 108 deg center lines, both cams, for max TQ and max HP, so far.

I'm wondering if anyone has tried this combo? Also any suggestions on settings overall for performance vs street drivability?

Last edited on 04-30-2015 04:57 pm by