View single post by Barthol
 Posted: 03-22-2015 11:15 am
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Joined: 10-31-2013
Location: Denmark
Posts: 67
I have no idea on how the bottom end is built . It was done from the Guy in Uk from who I bought the engine :-(

How do I tell whether the Crank is cross drilled and have the right bearings, is it easy to see if I open it up any way ?

If I pull the engine out again and need to install my old engine I need to sort an issue with the belt tightening wheel . The bolt is pulling a little to the left when I tighten the belt. The thread in the engine block is not so good.

I have a semi automatic tightener but I cannot find out how to mount it. It looks like I am missing threaded hole in the engine.
Is there anyone who have som photos / schematics showing how it is mounted. ?
