View single post by StevenD57
 Posted: 02-21-2015 07:47 pm
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Joined: 04-10-2009
Location: Hubbard, Ohio USA
Posts: 104
What sorts of things will you have done to the bottom end of the 907 when you stretch it to the 2.2L

I know LotusBits, Tim Engel and other experts say things like extra dowels on the girdle are a good thing to do so the girdle plate does not move around. The original 907 as used in the Jensen Healey only had two dowels around the main girdle studs to locate it but in later years they increased this number. I think they also went from 6mm studs to 8mm studs around the outside edge if the girdle as well. I could be wrong on this last item though (I.E. the JH 907 motors might have had 8mm studs)

Last edited on 02-21-2015 07:50 pm by StevenD57