View single post by Barthol | |||||||||||||
Posted: 01-26-2015 04:00 pm |
Hi Tim you were spot on or almost Looking through the progression hole showed that barrel no 4 was half a hole ahead of the other cylinders. twisted back the axel to align 4 to 3. Cyl no 3 was the one where I had to open the Air bypass 6 full turns. Balanced cyl 3 and 4 again and there was no need to open any by pass screws Between 1 and 2 i had to open the air by pass 1 full turn. It idles nicely now all the way down to 700 rpm , and the pick up is much better now No spitting , but a little hessitation on a very fast opening of the throttle ( by the way the extra idle jets were 58,- now installed) I used the parts I had to get as close to spec 9 which works for jim. I guess I now have to wait for the spring to take it on the road to see how it reacts and drives. Proberly more tuning to do :-) Thanks for the help. Kim