View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 12-31-2014 02:24 am
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
Front springs or rear?  Here is what one of my spare rear springs looks like.  I forget whether this is an original spring or a Delta version from about 20+ years ago.  As I recall, the way the ends are bent is slightly different between the two types, which made switching between the versions a bit difficult, but both worked.  Are you sure you have all the correct hardware to attach it?  The parts catalog has a good diagram showing how it is all supposed to go together.  The upper insulation rubber is absolutely essential to get it to fit.  Getting the bolt started to attach the top of the spring was always a major pain, but always went in eventually.

Attachment: rear spring.JPG (Downloaded 126 times)