View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 12-26-2014 07:56 pm
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
I am finally in the process of restoring my exterior.  The JH5 emblems on one side of the car had fallen off and were in bad shape on the other side.  So I created a couple of graphic files and had them printed up at a local sign shop.  They are plastic rather than printed on Aluminum like the originals, but came out looking OK.  The Union Jack I got off the internet and simply scaled to the 1:1.7 ratio of the original.  The J-H 5 part I made by scanning the old logo and cleaning it up by hand as much as possible.  I am not much of an artist, so it is not perfect.  I will post the two files in case anyone else wants to have these printed up for themselves.  The set for both sides plus a spare only cost me $26 (US).

Here is a comparison of the new versus old emblems:

Attachment: old & new badges.JPG (Downloaded 123 times)