View single post by nvandal
 Posted: 08-21-2005 01:09 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2005
Posts: 58
I am considering making a molded fiberglass bumper cap to replace the stainless cap. ( of course only if the original cap is non-repairable/ as is mine! ) ) I would make a positive out of wood ( I'm a cabinetmaker ). Make a mold from the wood pattern. Then cast a new cap in the mold. The cap could be reinforced on the backside to give it more rigidity, and could be molded thicker that the stainless piece. There's a canoe manufacturing company over the mountain from me and those folks could help me out. Perhaps even gel coat and spray the FG into the mold.

Any thoughts on this idea? Any potential for other folks interested? Let me know.

Norm Vandal