View single post by Brett Gibson JH5 20497
 Posted: 08-18-2005 12:57 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497


Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
Posts: 798
Thanks for the info Mark.

Still could'nt pull up the individual bearings as per SKF or Timken bearing numbers, so I pulled my front hub off to double check the numbers stamped on the bearings themselves, and it seem's that what I was reading as LM11748 was actually LM11749 for the cone, (bearing unit) and LM11710 for the cup, on the outer bearing, checked these numbers against timken web site and they came back as good.

For the inner bearing, what I was reading as L44848 I still read that way, and I knew that was NG so I decided to just clean both bearings off and mike them up,

Outer.   ID  .687"    OD  1.570"  width .545"                                                    

Inner.    ID  1.0625"  OD  1.980"  width .560"

So I checked these measurements against the bearing index bible in the resource center here at work and they came back as good measurements, for the corresponding bearings and cups, SKF and Timken.

Outer              cone bearing #  LM11749      /    Cup  LM11710

Inner              cone bearing # L44649           /    Cup L44610

So I will be picking up a couple on the way home tonight and hopefully fit them up, price at the bearing shop, outer cone and cup $5.75, inner c/c $5.44 , if I bump into a problem I'll let you know but for now I think things look good, hope this helps someone else's project.

Cheers                Brett.