View single post by gmgiltd
 Posted: 05-21-2014 12:46 pm
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Joined: 07-10-2012
Location: Whitehills , United Kingdom
Posts: 168
Hi James,
This is what I ordered in December 2011
285/22mm Billet 4 conversion = £618.57
includes everything you need (callipers/discs/brackets/hardware/pads/hoses and brake fluid)
253/10mm Ultralite 2 SVA conversion = £492.36
includes (callipers/discs/brackets/hardware/pads/hoses and brake fluid)
Prices may have changed but will be in that region - Joachim (subwoofer) also has a kit from them but don't know if he has installed it yet.
I took my car in to them and they sized the pistons on the rear to suit the standard master cylinder. The fronts bolt right up - on the rears you need to make up a shim to compensate for the thickness of the original drum backplate and depending on what type of rims you are using you may need longer wheel studs and a 3mm spacer. You also need to fabricate the handbrake linkage - pictured is my second attempt which works.

Attachment: Jensen Linkages.jpg (Downloaded 325 times)