View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 03-19-2014 05:57 am
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
From my recent experience, I would not recommend engine removal by lifting the body from the subframe. When I read the above description, I considered doing this since I was planning to redo the front suspension and replace the (thoroughly trashed) subframe mounts. But I decided against it because I could not find any attachment points that I would trust to support the body weight without worrying about damage. But the real reason I am against it at this point was my experience in putting the subframe back into the car. Even with the subframe completely bare except for the new isolators getting it lined up with the frame bolt holes was a major task taking several days. Compared to this, lining up the engine with the transmission was fairly easy. I cannot imagine how I would get everything lined up when lowering the car onto the subframe fully loaded with the engine and suspension.

I found that lining up the engine and tranny was much easier if I used two hoists on the engine: the main one attached to the (Stromberg) intake manifold, the other at the front of the engine. These two, along with a jack under the transmission make it fairly easy to get the two lined up. Once the mating faces are equidistant apart on all sides, the two slide back together fairly smoothly with some jogging of the angle of the crankshaft to get the shaft angles lined up.

Having a front anti-sway bar installed also was a help since it gives the front of the transmission someplace to rest when disconnected from the engine.