View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 03-08-2014 02:10 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
In getting ready to start the car I'm rebuilding discovered the water pump was leaking. So after replacing the water pump and gasket I also replaced the front cover seal and gasket. So I had to install the crank pulley again being careful not to tighten to tightly until everything was together again. One of my 'young' helpers thought they would help by tightening the bolt on the pulley for me. It moved but I don't know by how much.

Right now the timing belt and distributor cam wheel are off

So the question is what's the best way to make sure the crank aligns with the cam shafts so I can get the timing belt together and try starting it without bending valves and causing any damage?

And I was getting close to seeing if I could get it running again.