View single post by Dan Collier
 Posted: 08-11-2005 04:25 pm
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Dan Collier

Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Placentia, California USA
Posts: 36
I recently sent my front bumper out to a local body shop in California. My bumper was backed into which cause a large drip in the metal, plus it had various dings and scratches. I found an "old school" body man that still uses a English Wheel roller to hand craft metal parts. He did a great job rolling out the creases and dings. We then sent the bumper out for polishing and I remember paying around $180 USD. You may note original bumpers have a mat finish.

 English Wheel    After polishing

Dan Collier
JH74 14381 2.2L
Jensen-Healey Preservation Photo Gallery

Last edited on 08-12-2005 06:03 am by Dan Collier