View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 12-07-2013 08:23 pm
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340

What Brett said. You can install a new, larger size channel over the existing. You need to make sure you eradicate all the rust and protect the metal, the channel is securely welded on both ends and the floor pans are structurally connected. If you don't take care of the rust, once the new channel is on you will not be able to see what is happening behind it.

Here are my concerns. This is based on what you have said and we have no pictures to look at. Whatever you decide to do, take a lot of pictures and measurements.

1. Where exactly are they rusting and how bad are the rails? The best thing to do is to replace the rails with new ones. Support the car real good, grind out the rivets over the rail, grind out the welds holding the rails to the front and rear mounting points and take to a good sheet metal place and have them make you a new one. Then repeat on the other side. Like Brett said, one side at a time.

2. Another concern is the aluminum floor over the steel rail riveted on. From what I remember a rivet alone does not equal a spot weld in strength. How many rivets are there? Original spot welds were about every inch and a half or so. Also, if the aluminum and steel are touching each other, eventually they will react to each other. Especially where you are at.

3. If you do not have the skills or tools to do this you will need to have it done by someone else. Doing what you want is certainly in the realm of the home mechanic. It just takes time, patience and tools. And a good source of information and knowledge. Like this list.